首页 即时动态 金钥匙幼托中心的前世今生


来源:家居百科 时间:2020年05月15日 17:26

改造前Before 改造前Before


       When the owner took the designer to see the scene for the first time, what was presented to them was a messy space filled with exaggerated colors, which made people feel bad. The practical area is 130m², and the layout function is chaotic, while the aisle is so dark and narrow that there is almost no natural light. Because of the unreasonable division of functions, the size of two classrooms are so large that the teaching, reading, playing, and lunch breaks can only be completed in the classroom. The entire space has a single form and ambiguous functions.

行为习惯Behaviors and performances行为习惯Behaviors and performances


       Drilling, climbing, winding, sliding, crossing, reach, jumping, hiding, etc., the child's nature is full of curiosity about everything. Any seemingly unreasonable actions and behaviors seen by adults are actually the exploration of the world by children before a fixed behavior habit is formed of children.

夹层环形跑道 Ring track夹层环形跑道 Ring track


As a kindergarten center for young children, we hope to create a free, open space where children can run and play for children in a limited space. It may not be as wonderful as nature, or as magical as a toy paradise, but it can have a little more light, a little more wonder for children to explore, and a little more space let children to crawl.




When the sun shines in, there is a space for the children where they can move freely, allowing their nature of being active to naturally released in the space. When the space has a story, they become every character in the story.

设计构思The Design Concept设计构思The Design Concept


During the on-site measurement, the designer have found that the original building space had a height of 4.4M, and unleashing the height of the space, expanding and dividing the space into two parts, while ensuring that the two floors of space do not affect each other, have become our first part of considerations. Before the renovation, the existing classrooms and aisles were dark and dull, but the actual original building had large windows facing south. If the space is divided into two floors, how to allocate the height of the space to 4.4M, and when there is only one side lighting, how to introduce light into the room when each space has natural light, have become our second part of considerations. How can children's curiosity and agility be successfully inspired, how to take care of children's safety for teachers, and how can children's safety be ensured during running and playing? Avoiding right angles in the space and adopting circular moving line planning can significantly avoid the hidden dangers brought by sharp corners, and also make the original bland space moving lines full of hide-and-seek mysteries.


Construction process: the additional steel columns and beams are perfectly hidden by the walls and ceiling

       通过重新规划设计师保留了两间教室,将原先混合使用的活动区、阅读区、午休室释放出来,根据空间使用频率进行归纳,活动属性偏弱的午休室被放在了夹层二楼靠墙角位置,绘本区及活动区分别与一楼过道及二层开放区重叠。通过圆形开窗及天井的设置,解决了空气流通及采光的问题,同时在视觉上将一楼教室的层高进行拉升,避免了有限层高带来的空间闭合感 ,另一方面教室一的顶棚被设计成了一个可以自由追逐玩耍的环形跑道,给孩子们增加了一个自由奔跑的空间。

Through re-planning, the desginer choose to reserve two classrooms in order to release the original mixed-use activity area, reading area, and lunch break room. According to the frequency of space use, summarize different spaces: the lunch break room with weak activity attributes was placed on the second floor of the mezzanine near the corner; the picture and book area and activity area overlap with the first floor aisle and the second floor open area, respectively. The circular windows and patios are installed to solve the problem of air circulation and lighting; in the meantime, on one hand, the floor height of the classroom on the first floor is visually raised to avoid the sense of space closure caused by the limited floor height; on the other hand, in the classroom one, the ceiling of it has been designed as a circular track that can be chased and played freely, adding a space for children to run freely.

接待台及家长等候区 Reception desk and parent waiting area接待台及家长等候区 Reception desk and parent waiting area


The seats in the reception desk and parent waiting area are designed to be curved and round to echo this space

从入口向内望 Looking inside from the entrance从入口向内望 Looking inside from the entrance

从内向入口望 Looking outside from the inside to the entrance从内向入口望 Looking outside from the inside to the entrance


The entrance has been set in the shape of an independent mushroom hole, and two independent door holes are set up: one for parents and another one for children, pointing to the waiting area and teaching area of the parents, respectively. The independent entrance porch is a buffer from the outside into the internal space, and also a boundary between inside and outside.

教室一&通道 Classroom 1 & aisle教室一&通道 Classroom 1 & aisle

通道 Aisle通道 Aisle

通向夹层空间的<a href=通向夹层空间的楼梯 Stairs leading to mezzanine space

左:教室一 & 右:教室二 & 中:绘本柜 Left: Classroom 1 & Right: Classroom 2 & Center: Picture Bookcase左:教室一 & 右:教室二 & 中:绘本柜 Left: Classroom 1 & Right: Classroom 2 & Center: Picture Bookcase


项目地点:江苏省 苏州市

Project location: Suzhou City, Jiangsu Province


Project area: 130 square meters


Designer: Niven


Dseign Team: Wei, Shawn,Fiona


Design time: Nov, 2019


Completion date: Mar, 2020


Photography unit: Sen Yang




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网址: 金钥匙幼托中心的前世今生 http://www.jiajubaike.cn/newsview10179.html

